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The Chemtrails are a Government Plot to Put Money in Canada’s Pocket

For decades, the world understood that the contrails in the sky were a product of airlines and other aircraft disrupting the water molecules in the upper atmosphere when it's near saturation. But then came the advent of Internet blogging and fake news sites, so now we all know the truth: conspiracy.

For decades, the world understood that the contrails in the sky were a product of airlines and other aircraft disrupting the water molecules in the upper atmosphere. But then came the advent of Internet blogging and fake news sites, so now we all know the truth: conspiracy.

Those contrails aren’t the product of airlines. They’re a government plot to control the weather somehow and, until only recently, no one was sure why. But now the answer is clear: Canada.

Obama is secretly Canadian, and not secretly Muslim as once thought. Obama wants to warm the Earth and drive people out of the United States and into the suddenly-more-temperate Canada using his weather domination chemicals.

It is unclear what the chemicals in the contrails actually are, seeing as there is really no known chemical compound that could accurately control the weather to the liking of a specific person, but this can be explained simply: the government doesn’t want to people to find out.

Well, the daily news report has uncovered the chemical used. It is a little-known compound known as Strontium, or Tin, as it’s most-commonly called. The most effective way to combat this element is to obtain tin of your own, and fold it into a hat and put it on your head, and the weather control machine will be ineffective.

As Trump takes office, it will be interesting to see if he continues the weather domination program.

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